My baby brother is the person who inspires me the most. Watching his dedication to his sport, his intellect in class, his sense of humour at home. No one can match that triple threat. He has a way of understanding me when I don't understand myself. He knows what to say and exactly when to say it to put me in a better mood.... or more likely what song to play and when to play it.
Life can be so difficult. It can be so heartbreakingly terrifying. It forces us to learn these lessons that we aren't ready to face but then, life, gives us the tools to deal with it. He doesn't know, he is too modiste to even have a clue, that a big part of me learning to smile again is because of him. Seeing the way he lives his life, with a sort of free spirited ease reminds me every day to put on my gangster beats at handle it. Baby G has taught me to get out of my head a little, to laugh even when you don't know why you are laughing and to push through the most difficult of times. Not once has he told me any of these things, he has only lead by example.
I truly believe that one day he will be an amazing leader because of this born with trait he has... to show people by doing. Whether that be a leader on the ice or in an office, people are going to want to follow him, mirror him, not because he tells them to but because he has an energy surrounding him that is captivating. People like my baby brother do not exist simply to pay bills and die, they exist to inspire others how amazing this life is, to show us how beautiful the difficult times are, and how it is possible to build yourself up when you think you have nothing.
I am writing this today because yesterday this would of been a sappy post about how much I am going to miss him as I blubbered all over the keyboard. The truth is, I am so sad I can't see him at the same rate I am used to but the pride I have for how hard he has worked, how hard he has grinded, outweighs any sort of self pity I am feeling. I am a little frightened by the thought of him not being across from my room but I find ease knowing he is living out part of his dream with grace. He is diving into this new experience without a drop of fear because that is who he is, what he does. He bulldozes though any uncertainty and just gets shit done.
Four years of my life have been spent without him, the rest he has been my very best friend. We have always been close as siblings, I am so thankful for that. I am so thankful that out of everyone on this planet I get to call Garrett my Baby G.
Much Love,