Saturday, 19 April 2014

Body Image

I was flipping though the quotes section on Pinterest today and came across one that Marilyn Monroe is quite famous for:

"To all the girls who think you're fat because you're not a size zero, you're the beautiful one it's society that's ugly."

This really got me thinking. You see society is us… Yeah, super insightful I know. But please, hear me out. No one strives to be wrong, no one wants to be told that they're wrong, and even though we won't admit it, there are some people that we all wish would ALWAYS just, well, be wrong. This way of thinking, this selfish, egotistic and down right backwards way of thinking is going to ruin us all. Why do we all have this burning need to be the best at everything. Is it not okay to just be good at some things? I have a horrible issue that if I am not perfect at something I won't do it. It's a crappy attitude to have, it's no way to live. Why is someone's confidence in themselves associated with being selfish? Now that we have walked around the bush a few times here's my point: We are society, society is ugly, therefore we are ugly.


What did I just say?!?! Did I just call us all ugly?! YES. I. DID.

Let that sink in. You are ugly.

Okay, now that I just insulted everyone let me defend my opinion. We need to realize that society can't change without us as individuals changing. Which is kind of a hard thing to when being a true individual is really hard to do these day. Humans are not wired to stand out, we have a herd mentality, we want to fit in and be a part of a group. So standing up against something is an incredibly hard thing to do, I can appreciate that at this moment in my life more then ever. Standing up for yourself and what you believe in is one of the most difficult things to do. Right now I believe that it is truly horrible that young girls, women, young guys, and men all have to deal with a body image issue. Guys need to be shredded in order to be accepted ad girls need to have giant boobs (which are mostly made out of fat people) then have a less then 5% body fat. Which makes total sense………… Let's just magically move all of our body fat to our fun bags then have a butt and abs made out of rock hard muscles. Yup i'll get right on that.

"Oh I don't think that."
"I don't judge anyone."
"That has never crossed my mind before, I'm so accepting of everyone I meet."

Yeah I call bull patties on all your thoughts you big fat liar pants. People judge, I judge, we all judge. Stop acting like we aren't all a part of the problem because we are. Every single on of us need to stop being so darn judgmental and start being more accepting. Truly accepting.

The beautiful quote above is true, but if I could change it for two seconds don't hate me.

"To all the girls who don't think you're beautiful because you're not a size 10, you're beautiful it's society that's ugly."

See what I did there? By saying "you're beautiful even if you're not a zero" you're still putting yourself or others down slightly. You're saying that size zero is the goal but if you aren't there it's alright, you're still an alight person. Maybe we could all try to say "we're all beautiful" and just ignore the size completely? Wouldn't it be crazy what the world would look like even by making that small change? It's easy to change when everyone else is doing it too. Maybe we could all start even smaller and just start by saying "I am beautiful."

We are all society. It won't change until we do. So lets all stop being whiny babies and stop complaining about how wrong 'society' is and START by one small thing, telling ourselves we are beautiful.

Much Love,

Megan (Mehguhn)

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