Sunday, 23 August 2015

Baby G

How do you say bye to someone who has been apart of your entire life? Someone who has seen or known about all the good stuff, the bad stuff and the embarrassing stuff. 

My baby brother is the person who inspires me the most. Watching his dedication to his sport, his intellect in class, his sense of humour at home. No one can match that triple threat. He has a way of understanding me when I don't understand myself. He knows what to say and exactly when to say it to put me in a better mood.... or more likely what song to play and when to play it.

Life can be so difficult. It can be so heartbreakingly terrifying. It forces us to learn these lessons that we aren't ready to face but then, life, gives us the tools to deal with it. He doesn't know, he is too modiste to even have a clue, that a big part of me learning to smile again is because of him. Seeing the way he lives his life, with a sort of free spirited ease reminds me every day to put on my gangster beats at handle it. Baby G has taught me to get out of my head a little, to laugh even when you don't know why you are laughing and to push through the most difficult of times. Not once has he told me any of these things, he has only lead by example.

I truly believe that one day he will be an amazing leader because of this born with trait he has... to show people by doing. Whether that be a leader on the ice or in an office, people are going to want to follow him, mirror him, not because he tells them to but because he has an energy surrounding him that is captivating. People like my baby brother do not exist simply to pay bills and die, they exist to inspire others how amazing this life is, to show us how beautiful the difficult times are, and how it is possible to build yourself up when you think you have nothing.

I am writing this today because yesterday this would of been a sappy post about how much I am going to miss him as I blubbered all over the keyboard. The truth is, I am so sad I can't see him at the same rate I am used to but the pride I have for how hard he has worked, how hard he has grinded, outweighs any sort of self pity I am feeling. I am a little frightened by the thought of him not being across from my room but I find ease knowing he is living out part of his dream with grace. He is diving into this new experience without a drop of fear because that is who he is, what he does. He bulldozes though any uncertainty and just gets shit done. 

Four years of my life have been spent without him, the rest he has been my very best friend. We have always been close as siblings, I am so thankful for that. I am so thankful that out of everyone on this planet I get to call Garrett my Baby G. 

Much Love,


Friday, 8 May 2015


I typed into Google “What qualities attract…” intending to put the words ‘career success’ at the end but I swallowed my own tongue before I could finish typing. The very first suggested search was “What qualities attract a women to a man.” I misread that message the first time, my brain automatically understood it as ‘what qualities attract a man to a woman.’

In 40% of the cases of domestic abuse females are the ones doing the abusing. We never hear about that in the news. In a recent video by True Activist on YouTube it clearly showed that the public would jump to the aid of a women being abused and walk on by or even laugh when the tables turned and the male was being abused. The first suggested search on Google this morning proves that males are gravitating towards the internet in hopes to make themselves more attractive. This drive for relationship success is being fired by self-confidence, or lack of, and the desire to find someone who will be just as attracted to them physically, mentally and emotionally as they are to the female.

However, we generally assume that women are the ones who live their lives in hope for a companion who will love them, spoil them and, if you are one of the lucky ones, never cheat on them. I couldn’t find any reliable sources to throw a stat in your face about the percentage of women who cheat vs. the percentage of men who are unfaithful but I could take an educated guess that they are remarkably close. Still, we typically assume that the male population is doing the majority of the cheating.

Women hold other women to very high standards. We expect perfection from each other, as long as that perfection does not threaten us in anyway.  If their perfection does appear as a threat we hate on that women as if the need to fight to defend our loved ones is just as comparable to a lion defending her helpless prey. We assume that men have no control and are just animals walking around staring at every ass that walks by. They are portrayed as victims in a world where their innocence, or rather obliviousness, is the last remaining purity and due to this us women hate on one another for “teasing” our poor helpless men who can’t help but look if someone walks by with their butt wrapped tightly in spandex. In what parallel world would our guys ever man up and take some responsibility for their wondering eyes… hands… and allow us women to be proud of our bodies and not fear what other ladies might think about how we dress. Because sorry dudes, not every low shirt or tight pair of pants are for you. Majority of the time they are to instill fear into the hunters eyes that may be targeting our successfully caught prey. I do not do squats to keep you interested, I do squats so others assume that you would never leave me based purely on physical attraction to my tight behind.

Yet here I am, fully aware of the toxic way I think and still burdening my boyfriend with mind numbing self-pity almost every time he gets home from the gym in fear that one of those girls walked by with a larger, tighter butt then mine and not giving Brodie any credit. He is fully capable of making his own decisions and weighing the consequences that follow but I feel the need to micro manage. God that was hard to type out. It is so hard to admit to myself that I think all men are incapable of admitting their wrong doings and/or have no self-control. I can talk myself into believing that Brodie is an amazing person who’s most important desire is for me to fully trust him without that little voice in the back of my head saying “girls suck and he is just a boy that might fall into one of their traps.” The reality is that he is the type of guy who will show me respect, make me feel valued and give me no reason to ever doubt the words that come out of his mouth. Ever.

Maybe I am alone in this battle. Maybe I am the only one who can show my vulnerabilities to the entire world. Whatever it is, I am so tired of feeling like I am the only one who has a crazy brain that can run wildly out of control. I am so tired of being told that jealousy is bad. That doing this will make your man leave. That by not doing this your man will leave. Honestly, if your man wants to leave he freaken will. End of story.

That’s a hard fact to swallow. Loving someone so strongly is dangerous. Having to put so much trust in another person’s hands… giving them your heart and hoping they take care of it. I am getting pretty far from the topic I started with but this is where my mind is taking me. I am jealous and I have always been told it is a negative trait but I have decided that it is one of my positives. I am jealous and protective but because of that I am loyal and trustworthy. I will be there 100% for any of my loved ones, I will do whatever it takes to put a smile on their faces. If my jealousy also drives my loyalty then I don’t think I am doing too badly. I think that guys and girls both get jealous of what they believe is theirs, especially when that person is holding your heart. I also think that jealously is an attractive trait in a partner. Not to the point it is controlling but feel free to be protective of me, to be driven mad at the idea of someone else trying to flirt with me. Just also know that I share that jealously and I will be forever loyal to you. Jealousy is a good thing, it means that I have a part of your heart, or you have part of mine and we want to make sure the other is taking care of it.

Much Love,


Friday, 24 April 2015

Mental Chatter

If a friend spoke to you, like you speak to yourself, how long would that friend be in your life? Do you think that self-talk can impact your day? Week? Life?


Most of us are in a constant state of mental chatter. This buzzing in our heads can either be positive or negative. Just like when training for a sport you are either doing it proper or improper. There is no possible to way to build your butt muscles if you are doing sit ups. No possible way avoid back paid with poor squat form. Similar, there is no possible way to build your confidence if you are focusing on the negatives.

Mental health is so important yet so underworked. We do not take care of our brains like we take care of our bodies. I have been doing physiotherapy for seven months rehabbing my knee and I have gotten no support for any of the stressors in my life this winter. I go to a chiropractor twice a week to help my hips and I don’t even check in with myself that many times in a month. The mental aspect to any sport is about 80% to 20% physical ability. So what do we do about this? Block the hard stuff out in order to cause no distractions or deal with the problem so there is none there in the first place? This same statistic should be fairly close with life success as well. Yet what do we do? We ignore our own self-talk for what? To appear normal at our Monday to Friday jobs? There are 168 hours in a week and we spend 36-40 of them at work. That leaves around 130 hours that we can do anything we want and typically we are unable to find one hour a week out of the 130 available to check in and see how we are doing.

It is hard though. It is hard talking about your emotions and admitting you have them. No one likes to feel sad but ever more then that I think that most of us hate the shame that comes along with negative feelings. So the natural response is to say we don’t have them. I was the Queen of this. I had myself convinced that I didn’t get sad to the point it was borderline psychotic. No movie could make me cry and no one could hurt me because I was in total control of my emotions. Then, life happened and it forces you to feel sad. Now I had no idea how to deal with this foreign emotion and I was a mess. If only I had allowed myself to feel like a normal human being then I would have been so much more equipped to handle it. I see this happening all the time. Maybe on not as large of a scale, but we are not helping ourselves and we are definitely not helping each other.

That mental chatter that we constantly have has a larger impact on who we become then any parent, sibling or friend ever could ever influence. Yet, we allow ourselves to be swallowed by self-hate and we somehow expect it to all work out. We are a population hyped up on anti-depressants because it is an easier choice then accepting who we are. I have depression, I was on meds, and I chose to go off of them and learn to cope with my disorder. Do I have days that are down and days that are up? Always. For me, I decided that my mental disorders were not going to define me. I was not going to be just another person who got stronger meds every year, I was going to teach myself how to love myself. It is hard. It is the hardest thing I have ever done. I struggle every single day with not feeling good enough for my family, for my friends and for my boyfriend. They tell me I am enough and I know they are not lying but the thing about depression and schizoaffective disorders is that even though I want to believe them, I can’t some days.

Most of us don’t want to work towards sound mental health though. We want to go to the gym to get a tiny waist and big ass so we can put it on Insta but we refuse to put the work into something that makes up 80% of our personal success (I could totally make an argument for a larger percent but I’ll stick to what I for sure know.) The external body that we hold our personalities in should not be the deciding factor if we love ourselves or not. I struggle with this but I know, most of the time, that my mind is my best characteristic. I am not loved because of my weight, my hair, or the symmetry of my face. I am loved because I am empathetic, ambitious, brave, determined, emotional, friendly, generous, independent, loyal, versatile and sassy. It has taken my years to be able to list good things about myself without immediately saying something I am poor at. I will feel nothing less than proud that I have went from being suicidal to being able to write a blog about my weaknesses AND my strengths.

However, I will also feel troubled that there are still people walking around that hate themselves. I can’t stand the thought of a human being feeling so poorly about who they are or what they can accomplish that they do not want to be here anymore. I have no idea how to help everyone, I am still trying to help myself, but I want it to change. I want to help it change. I just have no idea how to start.

Much Love,



Monday, 20 April 2015

Second Day Curls

Aren't second day curls the best curls? I mean really... It's like your hair is personally repaying you for all the hard work you put into this life.

"No Megan, no messy ponytail today. Today we look even more fabulous then yesterday because I refuse to lose my bounce, my twirls or my perfectly placed part, just like you refuse to lose your spirit, your passion or your sassiness."

Maybe it's ridiculous but I seriously felt my whole attitude towards this Monday change when I came to the realization that I wouldn't be looking like I rolled out of bed and directly into my car today. Okay, not maybe, it for sure is ridiculous. How could such a simple thing like this make my entire day feel less like an uphill climb? How powerful is it that my mental attitude towards today has made the entire morning fly by. My smile is brighter, my head is held higher and my dread for this upcoming, hectic, week is actually turning into a little bit of excitement to get everything on my list done.

I try to wake up and think of something I am looking forward to about my day every morning but it is so hard. It is near impossible some days for me to get out of bed with a smile knowing I won't be done my day until nine at night. My days are long. I work full time and I keep two horses fit. I feel like I have been working two full time jobs all winter which has put a damper on my passion. I have let my passion feel like a job which is something I am embarrassed by. I should wake up every morning thankful that after I get to work with an amazing group of people I get to go ride two gorgeous, powerful horses. Do I smile every time I get to see them? Of course. I also can't wait to get home and just sit down. I feel exhausted. I feel like I have been pushing myself to the absolute limit this winter and I am ready for some nice weather and a break.

That would be escaping though. I don't need to do that. I need to just remind myself every morning that life isn't all that hard. It isn't all that painful. It most definitely isn't lacking beauty. It is never a complete absence of these feelings but it also doesn't swallow us into them unless we let it. Hard things have happened to me in my life so far. Hard things have happened to the mom who almost drove me off of the road this morning. Hard things have happened to all of us. I have felt pain, physical and emotional. Who hasn't? Maybe the stranger who is taking his time to cross the road isn't doing so to annoy you personally, maybe he has that limp which acts as a constant reminder of pain he once felt. Maybe the entire universe is set out to do things for you, or against you. Maybe, we create our own luck, our own moods, our own futures. Maybe this winter wasn't so hard on me because of my long days. Maybe it was hard because I chose to look forward to the day being done, not the activities that the day consisted of.

We have to start helping ourselves. We have to stop letting other people control or take away our happiness. I have come to learn this past year that hard things happen to everyone but the people who wake up every morning and look forward to the good experiences the day will bring are the ones that appear as if they have never experienced pain. Those are the people we all need to learn from, not hate on because of their "good luck." This world is full of selfish, corrupt, hateful people. It is also full of people who genuinely want to help others, inspire others. It is full of people who will make you laugh and feel whole. These people are not lucky, they are people who work harder then anyone else to paint every single day exactly how they want it to look. They are people that experience pain but they don't try to avoid it, they sit in it, learn from it, then make a serious effort to move on and come up with a plan on what to do next.

Lucky people exist. But not in the way most of us would think. These lucky people don't wake up with perfect second day curls every morning... they plan ahead and pin them up before bed so the bounce is even stronger then the day before.

Much Love,


Monday, 6 April 2015


It's crazy to think about change. About the little day to day changes we make... About the larger, working on ourselves changes... About the traumatic, would do anything to go back and do everything you could to undo that moment in time. But still, we change. We change into these people who have laugh lines from the good memories and scars from the traumatizing. 

When I woke up this morning I was expecting pain. Not just in my chest but my whole body. This week I have been a mess. I have been getting chest pains that I would compare to the start of a heart attack and I have started getting incredibly itchy to the point I have bruises on my legs. Apparently these are both stress related side affects. So, going to bed last night I was scared. I was sure I would wake up and have a real problem with my heart and have to go to the hospital, even with that thought I still slept in my regular hoodie and no pants attire. Obviously prepared for strangers to rush me away. 

I find myself okay though. It's as if this year full of "firsts" is finally over. And I made it, we all did. We all somehow pulled together and made the best of Syd's birthday... Now, love everyone and everything day. I managed to not to cry my eyes out on Fonzy's first birthday.... July 6th, three months after her passing and the day Brodie came into my life. I am going to manage this last first, in a year filled with random sensitive moments, surrounded by people who knew her and love her the exact same amount that I do. We will change together today and Syd will somehow manage to make our scars beautiful. We will let her. We will remember the pain we all felt a year ago. We will remember the tears that were cried for months past this date. We will remember the passion that drove her. The animals that fulfilled her. The giggles that only stopped bubbling out of her when she need to use her resting bitch face to her advantage. We will be thankful for the positive changes this moment of time brought us... We will still forever wish to take that moment back. 

Change is scary when it's sudden. But we must all relax into the wild waves and allow our souls to grow. You cannot fight a change like death. You cannot refuse to let the emotion swallow your whole body. You cannot fight the sadness you feel with anger. You can only cling onto loved ones for support and hope you have enough good memories to allow you to come up for air every now and then. You must change. 

I have seen all of Syd's people change. I have seen the strength we all somehow grew take over and put our differences aside, help us push our egos down and just be people. We have all changed into better versions of ourselves, softer versions, and we managed to do this because of our shared tragedy. Maybe not gracefully but we all got there. We all were taught the lessons that death brings and we were given the gifts that surly come alone when you lose someone. Such negativity is not possible without some sort of positivity to balance it out. Tami had told me over and over again "death brings gifts." I rolled my eyes behind my computer and stubbornly refused to make an effort. But I have learned that death truly does bring gifts, it humbles you, it makes your edges jaded only to slowly sand them down to the softest they have ever been. It ruins everything you think about life but it shows you the importance of loving everyone one and being the most humble version of yourself. It rips your heart a apart so you can clean out all the junk and bring in the new... Forever missing a piece with wild, curly hair, but being able to see the beauty in the most simple of things. 

My soul went through an unwanted spring cleaning last year but I am thankful that even though I... We... Lost so much good we also got rid of the bad. Every April 6th I vow to spring clean my soul. Get rid of whatever doesn't belong in order to make room for what does. I vow to always remember my best friend for the beauty, stubbornness and passion she brought into this world. I vow to be there for anyone who suffers on this day, on any day, because death taught me that we are all the same, we just suffer differently. 

So today, on the day that marks my greatest loss, I ask all of my friends to clean their souls. Today, April 6th will forever be a great reminder of what is important, raw, meaningful and what is superficial and needs to be swept away. 

Much love,


Friday, 20 March 2015

Love Not Strength

I find myself sitting in my car, music turned down low, overlooking the beautiful river. How did I find the beautiful spot? I have no idea. To be honest, I think I drove through a construction zone... The, now half frozen, muddy ruts are far to wide to be from any regular size car. But this is a peaceful place with no one around. My face is still slightly wet from the tears I failed to fully wipe off of my face, my breath still a little uneven, and my heart is ripping. 

It's been a while since I have sat down to write. I kept telling myself it's because I have been too busy but the truth is, I haven't been able to face my feelings. This is the first time I have admitted to myself that brutal fact. The fact that just when I thought I was so close to mastering the acceptance of my emotions, I slipped up and drew myself back into my dark, stoic, hole. It's comfortable there. I convince myself that I am happy but it never gets me very far. Life does that. Love does that. 

Love has a way of tricking you into thinking you're strong. You feel like you have someone who will always be there to pick you up, dust you off, smack your butt and tell you to keep going. Love can be ripped from you... Just like tires ripping off of of a road... Bursting into flames... Leaving nothing but a yoga mat, ashes, and the memories of what could of been. 

Love has a way of tricking you into thinking your strong. You feel like everything is perfect, like you will never have a worry, a problem or a slight bump in the road. Then you hit a pothole that whiplashes your forehead into the steering wheel and you are reminded that love isn't a synonym for perfect.  It's not a synonym for quintessential, or exemplary. It's especially not what BeyoncĂ© would call "Flawless." Love just is. It's just this feeling that is completely relative to who we are, what we need, what we want, when we want it and what form we want it in.

Love has a way of tricking you into thinking you are strong. It makes you think that showing emotion is an easy thing. Love is a fun feeling. You feel whole, accepted, respected. Yet, love isn't just happiness, it's the sadness you feel everytime you say goodbye, it's the dread you feel when you know you need to hurt someone with honesty, it's the guilt you feel when you can't change your past. That sounds similar to life... No? 

Doesn't life trick you into thinking you are strong? Doesn't life made you feel like you have everything under control... Then out of no where everything goes a little pear shaped? Doesn't life make you feel on top of the world one second then kindly remind you that every life is equal the next? Life, love, it's all the same. These two "L" words trick us all into strength. Strength isn't given. It's not something that just comes to us every six months like a raise at work. It has to be earned. You have to battle and battle and earn your scars, your strength... But even then, are you strong? Is anyone? Not in my opinion... How could we be? How can a certain amount of fight make is strong? Isn't a women losing her mother, then her daughter enough to make her "strong." No. Because being strong isn't the goal, continuing to love, to live, is.

Love tricks us into thinking we are strong but the truth is, no one is. No one is prepared for so much love lost to be able to recover without another battle. That's life. We battle and battle and we aim for strength as if that is the goal... But love is the goal. 

Loving life, who we live it with, what we fill it with, that's my goal. I want to fill my life with love. I just need to figure out how to rewire my brain so I can stop aiming for strength and start aiming for love. 

Much Love,


Saturday, 7 February 2015


"Sometimes you need to fib in relationships to keep your significant other happy." 

Is that statement true? I don't know... Here is what I do know. I have a major issue with lying, there are a few reasons why I think I have this obsessive need to know the truth, no matter how tough it is to hear, but it doesn't really matter why I am like this. It matters that I am like this and it's not really fair. 

I ask a question and I want to know the honest answer, I don't always like the honest answer, but it's always better then catching someone in a lie. Here is how this isn't fair... Although when someone lies to me I completely lose my mind and get covered with a red, firey rage, I might not be my typically happy go lucky self when hearing the truth either. But how should I be expected to be? I mean, the truth can hurt. Everyone knows that but at the end of the day, being lied to hurts more. 

I am not always a fair person. I try to be but I have a major problem with comparing myself to other girls and that affects my judgment. I realize that this is completely ridiculous and I should have the confidence in myself to truly believe I am capable of love. However, there seems to be this little voice in my head that drives me to want to be the best... At everything. I want to be the best at stuff I have never even tried. I want to be the best at stuff that is physically not even possible. I want to have the best body parts, the best mind, the best work ethic, the best (most) control of my emotions... Which is totally ironic because by me wanting to be better then ever single person that has ever lived makes me crazy, and pulls my emotions out of check. There is no way for me to win it seems. No way for me to be the best in everything that has ever been. Typing that out makes it sound ridiculous but even after wording it like that, I still want it. 

This disease will ruin all of my relationships. I have it in my head that if I am the best, at everything, I will never get hurt. I will never get cheated on. I will never be lied to because... Well... I would be the best. Makes sense right? I really hope I am not the only one who thinks this a completely logical thing to strive for. Yes, never achievable, but something to work towards. Something that, if I get close, will prevent me from any sort of pain or suffering. 

When I think it out and let my mind wonder I realize the logical way to behave in a manner that is natural to me. This manner will attract others with similar behaviours, thus, finding long lasting friendships and relationships built on similar interest, goals and general ways of being. Yet, I also find my mind taking me on a long journey filled with the frustration of never being perfect. 

I don't know what I want. Do I want the truth? Yes. Do I always like the honest answer? No. Does the honest answer hurt my feelings, my ego, and my confidence sometimes? You bet it does. There is no way for my loved ones to win with me, I get that. I get that both outcomes don't have me laughing the second the honesty comes out but when someone is honest you get mad at the situation, the comment, the reaction, never mad at the person directly. Being lied to... Well then you can bet 10/10 times I will be mad at that person. See the difference? That is why we should be honest. I will guarentee to all of my friends that being honest with me will not make me mad at you... Lying to me will. Every single time. This doesn't mean that we can treat others like crap, tell them about it, and expect them not to get mad. Because I will do that too. But I can promise you that I will be mad at the circumstance, not the person. 

In my mind, this is a respecable and reasonable way to act. If any of my readers can find me a person who can take the honest truth, that cuts into everything you are self concious about, and smile at the fact you were told the truth, I will buy you a pizza and call you a liar. We all get hurt. We all have things we worry about and, whether we admit it or not, the truth can hurt. I choose to be honest and open with my emotions, so if something hurts me I don't hide it... Unless it's regarding my parents. For some reason I can't seem to tell them when I'm bothered until I get to the point of explosion. 

I am a human being though. I am not perfect no matter how hard I try to be. I will never have a brilliant mind, a perfect body, or emotions in check 100% of time time. But I can promise all of you that I will be honest and open about what I am feeling. It will never be a secret when I feel self concious or hurt. That is something I know I have perfected... That is something I am proud of perfecting because it has brought amazing people into my life...

Relationships with all of our loved ones can be so hard though. We only ever want to see our best friends smiling yet we must hurt them with the truth sometimes. So, when we must break someone down that we care about, I advise all of you to make sure you are there to pick them back up, apply glue where needed, and forgive them for needing an extra crutch for a little bit. It doesn't matter if you have had no control of the situation that caused the pain, be there to help them get over it. Be there to tell them life will be more then okay (for the millionth time) and don't get annoyed when they get hurt about the same stuff. The best way to make me feel imperfect is to hurt me (intentional or not) then leave me on the ground to pick myself back up. 

So be honest. Be brutally honest and bring tears to your loved ones eyes. It doesn't matter. They will always forgive you as long and you are there to give their confidence a boost back up. 

Much Love,


Wednesday, 21 January 2015

A letter to my mother.

You are greatly underappreciated. Horribly undervalued. Overwhelmingly overlooked. I forget that you are not just my mother but I must also share you with Baby G and Kole. I forget that dad can be the neediest out of all of us (sorry Dad.) I forget that you have your own life to live as well.

I get moody when it seems you are always going out of your way to watch G play and the times you now venture into the cold, stinky, barn with me have become fewer and fewer over the course of the past year. I guess part of me feels like I am slowly losing everyone in our family. Garrett will be living away from home soon, Kole will only be with us for a few more short months, you and dad will be starting a new chapter out in BC around the same time Brodie and I can afford our own home and all of this scares me. 

Just recently I have starting truly getting to know you and dad. Even more recent then that, I have come to realize that with you, dad and G heading west, I will be here all alone. There will come a day when your visits to the barn are maybe once a year… even worse, I dread the days when I will only get to see you once a year. I am excited for the future but still feeling extremely overwhelmed at the idea of having to charge into this new adventure without you by my side. Without you as my safety blanket who will give me those random hugs that result in me stiffening up, who will annoy the crap out of me when I am in a pissy mood from work or a bad ride, who well yell at G “GET YOUR SISTER A DRINK” and who will be there when my life gets all messy again?

There comes a time in every mother/daughter relationship where one loses the other. Whether that be by distance or death, I dread the day that happens to us.

Losing my family is something I never thought would bother me much. Up until Sydney passed away I was an emotionless body set on cruise control. Now the thought of Garrett not being across the hall from me makes me sick. I joke about going with him to BC but in all honesty, I would move away with him in a heartbeat. I don’t know how you and dad managed to not only make the most perfect daughter in the world but also giving her the best little brother anyone could ask for is the best gift you have ever given me… and I have two perfect horses G is competing with so that says a lot.

I guess I am writing this publically because you deserve to have everyone see just how wonderful of a mother and person you are. Thank you for teaching me to not be so independent, how to stand up for myself in a dignified manner, and most importantly thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping this family together. You truly are the glue through the difficult times we have all faced. I could never thank you enough for that.

Much Love,
