Wednesday, 3 September 2014


Relationship is a very general descriptive word. I have a relationship with my family members, my friends, my boyfriend, strangers I briefly meet, my animals. Pretty much every living thing I talk to (yeah I talk to me dogs and horses on the daily) can be classified as a relationship of some sort. 

The tricky thing about connections like this is defining them with the other person involed. Do the construction workers who were happy to see me in a tight summer dress the other day know our relationship won't go further then their stares? Definitely, because I quickened my pace and avoided any eye contact. That's an easy one to define though. What about when friendships start to build, relationships get more serious, or family members are seen in a new light? Well my friend, the area you are now entering with these relations is turning a deep charcoal grey very quickly. 

I think this is why so many people have a hard time showing their raw emotions; we are scared the other party involved won't see us in the same light. This is the only way in which relationships should be difficult or unclear. Many people say "relationships are hard." False. If they are you are in the wrong one, you're chilling with the wrong people and you need to get out of it ASAP, homie. 

Relationships of all forms have difficult moments. Times of stress for one person is now a time of stress for both. And it should be. When my best friend is stressed out, I'm stessed out. When my boyfriend is worried about something, I'm worried about the same thing. In no way does it ever mean that the relation with those two people are "hard." It means, in short, that I care about them and everything happening in their lives... It's easy for me to feel the same emotions as them because their lives are apart of my life. Did I ever use the word hard though? No. Maybe it's unclear for some people to differentiate between having a negitive emotion simply because the other person is feeling that way and having a negitive emotion because you don't want to be involved with that person anymore. The line can be a bit blurry but only if you choose to make it that way. 

I've been in a relationship where the line was blurry, and there is a reason I am not longer with that guy. Is he a horrible person who should rot in hell? Not at all. Did I need to end that chapter of my life and not look back? Definitely. Relations with people can be in a grey area but they don't have to be. Relationships don't have to be hard, you choose for them to be that way. I haven't been dating Brodie long but I know where he stands and where I stand with our relationship. I have been friends with Jordan for about four years now and I know she's my "soulmate bestie" and I'm hers. Those relationships aren't hard because I am clear and open with my feelings and they do the same in return. 

Connections can be tough. It's hard for us to decide how a person is going to fit into our life and on top of that we need to worry about whether or not they want to be in that spot we reserved for them. 

Connections should never be hard. They should have moments of stress or worry but those moments should never take away the shine of the overall relationship. 

So I guess to put all this rambling to an end... Be honest, be emotional, be upfront, be empathetic, and most importantly be yourself. Only then will you start to form relationships with people who truly matter and who feel the same way in return. 

Much Love,


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