I am stressed about money… or more my lack of. 80% of my next paycheque is going to go towards Fonzy's board and the rest is going to pay off my visa. Which means I will have about 20 bucks to last me three weeks (until my next, next paycheque.) I want to scream just thinking about that… or cry. Maybe I'll do both. Or maybe I'll stay quiet like I always do and just silently suffer.
Don't we all do that though? Suffer in silence?
I've gotten really good at that… I've had a lot of time to practice. How selfish would I be if I thought I was the only one though? This Starbucks is packed with people and I would bet every single one of them are stressed about something. Double or nothing says that every single one of these people are stressed about money just like me. That's not a totally fair bet though because I can see that everyone (but me) is a student. My point, everyone wants more money. It doesn't matter how much you have, it never seems to be enough. What kind of world are we making? I'll tell you, a shitty one.
I was so close to throwing away my happiness and becoming a dentist just to make lots of money, right now I'm thinking maybe I should have done that. Money stress is the worst kind of stress. But then I think that I would be even more poor right now and the having two horses thing would for sure not be happening.
I'm feeling down because I still live at home and I have so many expenses it seems, and it's obviously only going to get worse. So that's my money stress.
Then I have Max stress. He has been a complete moose recently. I have hardly seen any improvement and my coach and I are almost out of ideas… unless she has a plan she is keeping from me anyways. I know I need to sell him at the end of this summer because I can't afford two and Fonzy is a forever horse. So there is an added pressure to get him going better. Selling him would also relive some of my financial stress but getting him to the salable point isn't looking too good right now. Latched onto this stressor is my job. I can't show him all summer (which I need to do in order to sell him) and work all summer. So my only plausible option is to quit my job this summer to show which means (you guessed it) more financial stress due to no income and pricey show fees. Plus, quitting my job which I worked so hard to get isn't something logical for me to do.
I feel stuck… just like Max has been recently. I have played out so many different options in my head and none of them have everything work out how it needs to be. I can't seem to just ride the wave on this one… It's just too much that is going to blow up in my face. I am so bitter thinking about it all. I hate that I am never home, my billet has fully replaced me, and I am tired all of the time. I'm stressed all of the time and I feel fat all of the time.
I know I should be thankful, I have a fully working body, no life threatening diseases, a family that loves me, an amazing boyfriend and I am lucky enough to have two gorgeous horses. But today, I'm down… really far down into a dark hole so I needed to complain somewhere… so I choose here because it's the only place where no one will yell at me for bitching even though I have a lot.
I don't care that I have lots to be thankful for… I have lots to stress me out too. So I'm gosh darn allowed to be fricken stressed and edgy because of this.
Much Love,