Many adventures occurred the weekend I was at The Ranch, one of the most beautiful places on earth. The Ellis Ranch is home to some very special memories, and more were made when I got to spend the weekend there. I was graced with the oppertunity to spend time with Tami and other members of Syd's family.
The weekend started with a visit to a place with a beautiful cross. An emotional visit with my friend started the weekend off. I left a little gift for her from a horse that meant the world to her, and who now means the world to me. Looking at all the little trinkets, hats and flowers warmed my heart. Syd meant so much to so many people and I am happy to be a part of her circle of friends and family. Her passing has brought me closer to so many people and has given me so many new connections with beautiful people. I am happy that through this horrible tragedy so many people are being brought closer as a result. That is the only positivity about death, the new connections it brings. I got the oppertunity to meet one of Syd's good friends this weekend which was so special to me. I loved sharing stories about Syd and getting to know about adventures she had with other people, getting to know a side of Syd that I didn't know when she was still walking among us.
Horses were a big part of this weekend. I got to ride Fonzy's mom, Elania, and a little cow pony, Chico. Tami and I went on a beautiful trail ride and talked about life since Syd passing. Our souls shared some very special moments together this weekend, moments that my vocabulary isn't large enough to properly describe. Tami has the ability to calm me without even trying. The vibes she radiates are so positive I can't help but put everything into perspective. I can't help being thankful for everything in my life, good and bad, because I have been given an oppertunity to see this world and experience joy and sadness. I have every right to bask in every emotion that falls upon me. I learned recently that sitting quietly in the emotions you are feeling is such a powerful thing. Sitting in sadnesses, anger, joy, peacfulness... They all teach you something about yourself that you might not of known before.
I do not believe in organized religion but I am a spiritual person. Many crazy, wild, somewhat unexplainable happenings took place this weekend that I am not comfortable sharing yet. I'm sure one day ya'll will read the post about them and think we were on drugs and drinking too much wine this weekend... Maybe something was in the water. If I wasn't surrounded by so many wonderful people I would if thought I was going crazy myself.
The Ranch is such a peacful place. Horses running free, although sometimes jumping fences they shouldn't, they have the ability to live in such a natural environment that all the ponies have such strong spirits and personalities. It is so beautiful to see the animals running around and interacting with each other without any space restrictions. The dogs on the ranch use Tami's house as the hang out spot. They are all lingering outside the front door or on the deck looking in through the large window's while we eat. The kitty, Willow, sleeps all day then sprints around the house (kinda neurotically) in the evening. Every being has a unique personality. The cats, dogs, horses and humans are all so different (obviously) but they are all intertwined by living on ranch together. They all get along and interact in a way that is quite unique to the Ellis Ranch... A way that is hard to explain.
The weekend on The Ranch changed me in a very special way. I didn't realize how much I was still suffering until I got to experience such a large adventure. I feel so much more at peace with everything in my life. I have had some very large changes since that weekend but I feel I have handled them with so much grace. I am proud to be me. Proud of my strengths and my weaknesses. I hope I can go up there again very soon. Being around Syd's friends and family is so special to me. I'm incredibly blessed that so many of them have shared personal stories with me. They all changed me in such a positive way.
It was very hard for me to write this, I feel I'm not qualified enough to put something as beauful and the Ellis Ranch into words. I hope I did it justice.
Much Love,
I remember the weekend so well and you described it perfectly! Thanks for sharing miss Meg!