Wednesday, 14 May 2014


I ride horses. Without horses in my life I would go crazy. I did go insane... Therapy bills can prove that. I was the horse crazy girl in highschool, my teachers wouldn't even call home to clear my absence when I missed school because they knew I was at a show or doing other riding things. Which I just realized (two years too late) that I could of really used this to my advantage. 

I have riden from a very young age. I did a lot of activities when I was younger but eventually mom made me choose one. I fell one day in ballet practice so I quit that (and my tap dancing.) I don't like putting my head under water in swim so I quit that. I am the most unflexable person in the world so I quit gymnastics. I got one silver instead of all gold in my figure skating competition so I quit that. I am really good at quitting things when I'm not the best at them. Except with riding that is.

Horses bring me a sense of tranquility. Even on days when I have to check to make sure there isn't a real life stick up their butts I appreciate the peace they give me. Tough rides make the good ones worth it. 

"Equestrians walk a thin line between insanity and bravery." - Don't know the orrigal person who stated this, I have heard many use similar words over the years. 

I have been badly hurt a few times, not once have I been affraid to get on any horse though. In grade seven I was riding a mare, Kitten, who was very strong. Especially for my tiny body at the time. She had the brilliant idea to make a four stride into a three stride. I looked like I was water skiing to the second fence in the line but still failed to stop her. We did a really cool flip. I was unharmed through her awesome air time, we both just didn't stick the landing. Her butt squished my hips as I was trying to roll away. It was the first time I ever said "Shit!" And my dad was a bit mortified. A few years later in grade ten I had another hip injury. The mare I was riding, Willow, was known to be a bit of a hot head. She took off bucking almost every ride so I was getting used to sticking them. On one special day she decided to up her game for no other reason other then to get my off. It worked. She must of been practicing a prop, buck, then 180 degree spin all in one motion trick... It was so quick I didn't even know what happened. I ended up with a bad concussion and a torn tendon in my left hip. 

Kitten taught me to always choose a deep distance over a long one. Although I've gotten a little too comfortable in the deep spot now. Willow taught me...... Idk probably that if a horse acts crazy she probably is. Rex (my actual horse through all these accidents) taught me that even when you spend years working your hardest and it doesn't seem to pay off you never quit. It took me six and a half years to get him to quit stopping. If that isn't true determination I honestly don't know what is. 

I have started breaking a few horses these past couple summers. Young horses will destroy your confidence innitionally. They are a mirror of who and what you are. That can be a big eye opener. Over time though, young horses will improve every aspect of your horsemanship. Some days are so rewarding, and others... Not so much. 

I haven't shown for six years now. I am dying to get back into competing this summer with Max. He has been a totally different ride then anything I am used to but I am loving every minute of it. Fonzy and I will be working on flat work and trusting each other this summer. I have a lot of oppertunities to grow as a rider right now, I hope I can make the most of them. 

Horse have and always will be a huge part of my life. I would love to find a way to make a career out of my passion because, in my opinion, if you are passionate about your work, it isn't really work. Maybe I am meant to create a job for myself around horses or maybe I just hate working. Either way, horses will always be one of the best parts of my life.

Much Love, 



  1. Glad to hear you never abused your "get of school card"! I think you are finding your way and creating an interesting and positive life in the process.
    Look forward to seeing you in the show ring again! It has been way too long since you were competitive but Joey was such a good boy last year at his show. Did you forget about that one?

    Much anticipation,

    1. Oops. Meant "get out of school card"...
